Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Gold in Bird Alley

All winter long the goldfinch have faithfully attended our feeders in Bird Alley.  I like these little birds and now that it is spring I enjoy watching the changes in the colours of the male of this species.  their black caps are in various stages of moult and their feathered bodies are yellowing up to a seasonal gold.  It is fascinating to see the individual changes that have taken

place as they feed on the nyger seed we provide for them.  The pictures included illustrate their spring changes in colour.  Golden sightings daily!

Have a great day everyone!  Today I am continuing my search for a handsome Hooded Merganser.  The pond where I usually find one is water covered but I think the solid ice is still below the surface water.  as the Merganser is a diving fish eating duck the ice must be gone before the duck can fish successfully in this pond.
Interesting in that I have never know the name of the pond where I ;look for these mergansers, however on the weekend I noticed a new sign at the pond, identifying this water body as Monday Brook, so why not find mergansers there today?  Its sounds so appropriate to its naming and I guess I should get a picture of its name also.  I saw a couple of ducks at this brook this morning but it was so foggy I couldn't see them clearly.  However I do not think they were Mergansers.


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  1. Love the sweet Goldfinches, great shots.. Have a happy week!

  2. Now I am back on the east coast and we are seeing some of the same birds! My gold finches look just like yours! Good luck finding your Hoodies! I saw one today in a pond on the back roads of Maine!
