Saturday, April 19, 2014

unknown bird at my feeders

This afternoon, April 19, 2014 I saw a different looking bird ( finch?) at my feeders.  It was feeding alongside a male Goldfinch.  At first looking at this bird at its back  view and seeing a gray back I assumed it was a female Goldfinch, but the pattern of back and white on its back tail area suggested to me it was perhaps not a female goldfinch.  When it turned around and I got a frontal view I knew I had never seen a bird with these markings before.  A side view showed a yellow stripe down its  lower side.I am hoping that someone can help me out with its identification??

This bird has been identified as an Himalayan Goldfinch.


  1. R. ELDRIDGE3:51 PM


  2. I also agree, I looked up European Goldfinches, and there's a similarity there--I've never seen them in that color before.

  3. Wow, what a beautiful bird. I am glad it found your feeder. Could it be an escapee? Great shots. Enjoy your day and Happy Easter!

  4. You are so lucky to have such beautiful and exotic a visitor. That makes for a really special day for a true bird watcher like you! Fantastic!

  5. Eileen, it most likely was a released or escaped bird from captivity as we are so distant from Asia. I caught a glimpse of it today also. I would love if it stayed around for a while

  6. That is quite a capture! I've never heard of them here.
