Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hooded Mergansers Yesterday

 Hooded Mergansers;I search for them each spring and yesterday I found a pair.  They were not in the usual location where I find them but rather in a roadside small flooded run off near a ditch.  I love the colour and intensity of the golden, yellow eyes of the male. I think these pictures are interesting but they do not reflect the beauty of the male with his beautiful white-patched hood.  The female is usually spectacular with her bad hair

day fluff, however I am sure I will find these beauties in their usual location in a day or two and I shall get more  pictures.  Until then; these photos to enjoy!


  1. The Hooded Mergansers are beautiful, great shots and sighting..

  2. We have hooded mergansers way over here on our side of the planet as well.

    And although I am in a subtropical part of the southern Unites States, every day I see sandhill cranes - which also live in Siberia!

    It's incredible how large the range is for some varieties of birds.
