Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Evening Grosbeak in Bird Alley

The  pleasure of spring bird watching seldom ceases in Bird Alley. Earlier

 this week my husband had commented that it had been a long time since we had seen Evening Grosbeaks.  There have been times when they seemed to arrive in droves, and yesterday what did I see in the afternoon ?,but one handsome male Evening Grosbeak.  It seemed as if it was just passing through as it  just perched on a branch before flying off.  Unfortunately its face was obscured by an opening leaflet.  but the yellow cap can be seen.  A black shadow is misleading on its breast as that is not part of his natural colouring.  
 I really like  grosbeak picture with the semi blurred background with blue sky highlights.  Nature is so beautiful!!! The use of a lower f stop at 5.6 causes the semi blurred background in the picture.


  1. A nice visitor, congrats! It looks like its has a mouthful, is it for a nest..

  2. Nice!!!! That is a special visitor indeed! Congrats!
