Tuesday, May 13, 2014

White-tailed Deer

I can see deer every morning if I am up early and looking out the window.  They come up from the river and cross the street near our property, then they run up our neighbours long gravel driveway and cut across the bottom of the  neighbours lawn diagonally and then  follow a path to the woods behind our properties.  The deer are the main reason we have fenced in most of our property.  My husband loves his hosta garden and  our cedar trees and so do the deer and so he built this fence shown below.

 why we have fencing.  You can see the deer legs through the fencing.
                                  this deer walked up our neighbour's long gravelled driveway
 our side lawn is still unfenced and I watched two deer stop to feed there this morning. 
 My ornamental Juniper on our unfenced front lawn has lost most of its attractive ball shaped foliage, so I have my own reasons for approving of fencing. although it is still a treat to see the deer as they are such beautiful creatures.


  1. I love seeing the deer! I hope they do not eat your plants! Cute photos!

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