Saturday, March 05, 2016

American Goldfinch for Camera Critters

We haven't seen a large variety at our feeders this winter but we have seen numbers. Daily our nyger seed feeder has been attended by  manyAmerican Goldfinch.  A Goldfinch is still pretty and attractive even during the winter months.  The males still retain a bit of their gold and the females in their winter drab are pleasant to look at in their muted browns. I am expecting to see more colour as spring approaches and my first photo, below, taken just last week I call Golden Goldfinch and the sunlight upon the rafters of the pergola adds to the background colour..
 Above , colourful red American Bittersweet berries  create a colourful background for the feeding Goldfinch.

Above, a whole bunch of Goldfinch on the feeder, nine in all!
I am linking this post to Eileen's Camera Critters which can be found at


  1. they are very pretty birds even in winter. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Hello, The Goldfinches are lovely birds. I did not see many in my yard this winter, only a couple. Your feeders are busy with the sweet Goldies. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Hello!:) Gosh! So many Goldfinch at your feeders, what a lovely sight.They are such beautiful birds.Thanks for this share!

  4. Yesterday I saw the first Goldfinch of the season in his bright yellow feathers. Such pretty birds!
    Have a great week-end!

  5. Lovely views of your Goldie visitors.

  6. Good to see so many Goldfinches enjoying your feeder.

  7. Lovely to see all of these. we have the occasional finch. i spotted my first woodpecker, ever, in our neighborhood. surprised and delighted, i was.

  8. Beautiful photos of the goldfinches with different backgrounds! Just lovely!
