Sunday, March 06, 2016

Pine Siskins

We hadn't seen Pine Siskins in Bird Alley in over a year so I was delighted
 to see one feeding at our Niger seed feeder on February 22nd.   What I enjoy about viewing a Pine Siskin is the delicate touch of yellow within their wings  I was not seeing much yellow at first on many of the birds, but then I found definite yellow, which confirmed to me that"Yes", these birds were Siskins when this little bird showed me its wing spread from the back.

 The Pine siskin also has a sharp, pointed little beak which allows it to feed easily from the Niger seed feeder which we have.
The Siskins add a rather decorative touch to Bird Alley as they flit about and balance and swing on small branches and vines.


  1. Hello, The Pine Siskins are cute birds. Wonderful series of photos. I am so glad they came back to visit you! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  2. The Pine Siskins are so cute.I have not seen one this winter yet.

  3. Hello...I was looking back on Nature Notes from the meme in 2009 and was seeing if some folks were still blogging and here you are. I had no siskins this year or last here near Buffalo NY... Michelle..

  4. Hi Michelle, I recall Rambling woods the road less travelled and your name.. Are you still blogging? Nice to see your comment. Thsnks the recall. Ann
