Sunday, March 13, 2016

Canada Geese

This is the most amazing and wonderful time of year; each day this week I have found a different species that I haven't seen all winter long, including: Common Goldeneye, Hooded Mergansers, Common Grackles, Evening Grosbeaks and today, I saw three Canada Geese
. It just keeps on getting better!  One week from today is the official beginning of spring!  I am loving it!
I am hoping and planning on finding American Robins in my camera's view next week!


  1. Spring is an exciting time of year.Happy birding.

  2. Hello, spring is a wonderful time of the year. I will be happy to start see my spring and summer birds again. Great shots of the geese. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. I enjoyed these photos very much. Can't wait for the official day of Spring. Already seeing signs around here. We actually saw a pair of Canada Geese building their nest yesterday, hundreds of frogs, a pair of very large snakes, a pair of Hooded Mergansers and a wood duck on a nesting box. A great day!

  4. Hello there - I've just come across from Eileen's blog.

    First, what an amazing header/banner a lovely image to look at.
    Second, I enjoyed looking at all your photo's ...
    Third, I'm sure I will be back soon for another visit!

    Enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    All the best Jan
