Saturday, March 12, 2016

Evening Grosbeaks for Saturday Critters

I wasn't sure what I would post this morning, Common Grackles or Bluejays, that is until I looked out my window and saw Evening Grosbeaks in our Plum tree.  There were just a few and one male that I saw.  the male was rather elusive and it was difficult to get a full bodied picture of him.   They never left the tree to land on the ground and they didn't stay long;  but their sighting was wonderful. It must be over a year since I have seen Evening Grosbeaks in our yard.

above the male is to the left and the female is to the right
above, the female Evening Grosbeak
above, the male Evening Grosbeak
I do hope they return and I am hopeful that they will.
I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday critters meme which can be found at:


  1. Good morning, lucky you! The Evening Grosbeaks are beautiful birds. I would be thrilled to see them in my yard. Great photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. A beautiful bird for sure.I have not seen any of them in many years.
