Monday, March 07, 2016

Returning Ducks!

I love finding returning ducks during March.  My first sighting ever in my own local area was of a Hooded Merganser on March 7th., 2007.  Today is March 7th and as soon as I post this I shall go out looking in my favourite open water pond location.  I have a special duck project this year.  I often hear about people who have ducks appear in their yards and I would love to experience that, so during the past year I had been on the lookout for duck decoys at flea markets and yard sales.  I was lucky last fall when I found a laundry basket full of decoys for just $10 and of course I bought them.  They have overwintered in our basement and yesterday I put them outdoors on my side lawn.  I had also bought two ceramic ducks in August at a flea market. The ceramic ducks are outside now also.  The decoys are placed where I can see them easily from my kitchen window.  Also yesterday I bought a package of cracked corn to scatter about the decoys. I have my fingers crossed that some
returning ducks might be enticed to drop in as they see my decoys from above in passing flight.
  I have also placed a duck decoy beside the still frozen runoff brook to see if it garners any interest.
This beautiful colourful , ceramic decoy looks a bit different from the others, hopefully it
 might  attract a cruising Mallard.
Other than returning ducks my interest recently is focused upon finding White-tailed deer feeding in open fields and meadows adjacent to woods.  I saw a group of deer in a different location yesterday so I will check out that location this morning.  Maybe I will be lucky and find deer there again today. 

It is a grand day out today so have a good one everyone.


  1. Hello, I hope your decoys attract some nice ducks. Good luck on your sightings. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Thank you for commenting Nora. I have been away from postings for several months and I am enjoying my return, its nice to meet again with previous followers.
