Saturday, April 09, 2016

Bohemian Waxwings for Saturday Critters

I have only seen one waxwing all winter but on Wednesday of this week we found a small flock.  We had gone into a Macdonalds for a coffee in Nashwaaksis and when we came out we saw a whole bunch of grey looking birds adjacent to where we had parked our truck where they were feeding on the ground.  As we approached them my husband asked "What kind of birds do you think they are"? And I responded, "It looks like a bunch of Mourning Doves.  His response, "You had better look again".. I did and to my surprise I recognized" Bohemian Waxwings!"  It doesn't get much better than this!
It was wonderful being able to see their distinctive features.
Its beautiful tufted head and the colouring on its face
The red wax on the tiop of its wings and the yellow tail
It is such a beautioful bird!
I am linking this morning to viewing nature with
Have a wonderful day everyone, Happy adventures in Nature!


  1. Hello, WOW congrats on the Bohemian waxwing sighting. They are beautiful birds. Wonderful collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. These are such beautiful birds.
