Saturday, April 16, 2016

Flock of Canada Geese for Saturday Critters

On Thursday of this week past we came upon a rather large flock of Canada Geese.  It was rather difficult to get a large group shot as they were scattered around and about and our truck was parked on the shoulder of a busy highway with me using  a partway rolleddown vehicle window  as a tripod. However I love singling out the beauty of the individual Canada and crop group shots a lot so there are a couple of individual portraits shown here crop carved from the large group.
I am linking today to Eileen's meme,
Have a wonderful weekend folks.  The outdoors is calling me and I must hurry out.


  1. Hello, wonderful shots of the Canada Geese. I like the groups shots and the closeup captures. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  2. They are so pretty to watch! We see quite a few of them when we're in Oregon ...don't think they worry much about International borders ;)))
