Monday, April 18, 2016

Female Common Merganser

We have an observation deck in our community along the river and it offers lovely views.  Last evening around about 6 p.m. I drove to the observation area to see if I might find something in the river below I looked and spied a duck along the shoreline. The distance did not allow me to id the bird without a vision aid. However I had my 300 mm lens on my Nikon D5500 camera . After downloading my photos upon returning home, I saw that the duck in the river , all alone, none other around it ,was a female Commoin Merganser.  The red bill and lovely red head made this species easily identifiable.
female merganser near the shore
female merganser out in the fullness of the river mid-stream


  1. Hello, I love the mergansers, great sighting and photos.

    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. That's a good bird to watch.
