Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Great Spangled Fritillary for Saturday Critters

I know I can always find fritillaries at a certain Milkweed Patch, however I am also quite sure that sadly I will not find any Monarch butterflies there, So with my eyes scanning the Milkweed leaves in hopes of seeing a Monarch caterpillar, I am excited when I find some beautiful Great Spangled Fritillaries feeding there as I just did this morning.

I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday's Critters at


  1. So beautiful. I'm impressed you know the name of this butterfly, too. Maybe you can name the one I'm sharing today. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Lindas imagens!
    adorei a borboleta!
    tenha uma linda semana

  3. Your images are adorable, so delicate.
    Happy Sunday :)

  4. Hello, Pretty shot of the butterfly. I have been seeing more of this species. Sorry, I am just catching up after being away. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and week ahead!
