Thursday, July 14, 2016

the pattern on a Chipmunks back for Thursday's Challenge

We are blessed with a view on nature when standing in our living room, However we encourage nature a bit by providing food for the taking for the many and varied visiting creatures.  Just last week we spied this beautiful striped Chipmunk helping itself to a newly filled cage feeder and I had left the top off of the inside cylinder so that the Chipmunk was easily reaching the food. The 5 stripes
pattern on the Chipmunk's back adds much to the pleasing visual beauty of the feeding creature.


.I am linking today to Thursday'sChallenge.  Today's theme is: "NEAT" (Orderly, Tidy, Trim, Uniform Pattern, Clean,...)
If you wish to contribute to Thursday's Challenge today you can find the linkup at


  1. lovely to see them... overhere hardly because they are so shy

  2. I like this animal, bu not often i had a chans to see them.

  3. Gotta love Chipmunks - neat set of images.
