Saturday, May 27, 2017

Beaver for Saturday Critters

Each day I  often drive by a large beaver pond and lately on two occasions
I have seen a Beaver swimming across the pond.  Look carefully to see the beaver as it is not far out of the water but you can see it  and the water movement it is making n the water which is full of reflected colour.
And in this third and last picture  shown below the Beaver has reached its destination and dam and at this point it disappeared among the brush and twigs at the edge of its dam.
I am connecting today to Saturday Critters which is hosted by Eileen very kindly each Saturday. this meme can be found at :


  1. Hello, cool sighting of the beaver. They are hard workers on those dams. I have heard them slap their tails. Great series! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Beaver! Wow!
    Have a great week-end!

  3. Hello!:) I have only seen beavers in films and books, I would love to see one in the wild. Lucky you to have seen, and to have taken these great shots.:)

  4. Such fun to see beavers at work!
