Sunday, May 28, 2017

Eastern Bluebird

Yesterday morning I saw a small bird perched on the fence in our backyard and from experience I have learned when seeing an unknown bird to try to get its picture and try for an id of the bird.
  So shown above is the picture I took while standing inside our back porch shooting the picture through our French doors with my new 200 mm lens. I wasn't sure if my 200 lens was strong enough to capture details at such a distance, but I did want to see what species of bird it was.  I thought I had detected a red breast through my camera viewfinder and thought it maybe was a Robin.
So inside I went to download my mystery bird picture. and below is what it was!!! Wow! I was thrilled!

    It was a handsome male Eastern bluebird!!!!!!
Although this bird was not a rarity to our yard, It was an uncommon visitor as occasionally we have noted one in our backyard.  We even made and put up bluebird house one year upon seeing one around we had hoped to entice it to stay .  However it did not,
checking the archives of my blog I see that I had blogged about an Eastern  Bluebird visit on May 26, 2008
my sighting yesterday was on May 27, 2017 and the link to the  May 26,2008 page is found by clicking on  the link posted  below.


  1. Hello, I love the bluebirds. I hope it sticks around your yard. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and the new week ahead!

  2. Bluebirds are one of my favorites, and I don't see them nearly enough! I hope there are more fun sightings to come for you!

  3. Eastern Bluebirds make it to northern Nicaragua. We are organizing a birding expedition that you are all invited to make.
