Saturday, September 30, 2017

Robins feeding on Chokecherries for Saturday Critters

We have a tall Chokecherry tree which attracts many feeding birds. Recently , American Robins have been breakfasting on the berries there.
The delight the Robins are finding in  the berries is another reminder to me that I did not get around to making Chokecherry jelly again this year.   Hmmmm... Maybe next year?!
I do hope the Robins return to this tree another day as I love photographing them in this tree.  During October I will have many more occasions to take pictures of Robins feeding  in our yard as they will return to feed on the many rose hips on our bower and the beautiful, red, luscious Mountain Ash berries on our Rowan tree. We also have three ornamental crab-apple trees  which are  now covered with little red crabapples.  Harvest time is a wonderful time in our outdoors around here.
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters.  It can be found at
Have a wonderful last day of September today folks.  May it be a favourable day of viewing nature for you. And  a mighty welcome to October tomorrow when my grandson D. Harvest celebrates his 13th birthday.


  1. Have a wonderful week-end!
    I'm sending along a recommend to relatives about the chokeberry shrub. I didn't know the berries are so healthy to eat. Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello, happy birthday to your grandson! The robins do love the berries, it is great to have plants and trees that feed the birds and critters. I have heard the mountain ash is a great tree to have, I wonder if it grows in my zone.

    Thank you so much for linking up today, sorry if there was trouble with the linky. I am working on it. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. Love the types of trees you bountiful in the fall! Great photos! Happy birthday to your grandson.


  5. The berries are very sour to eat and I would'nt recommend it, but they can make a very nice jelly with lots of sugar used in the making.
    My mother used to make that jelly every year. Ann

  6. Lovely photography of our sweet feathered friends ~

    Have a chokeberry tree but doesn't seem to attract any birds just drops lots of berries on the deck!

    (A ShutterBug Explores)
