Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ruffed Grouse

I am always hoping at this time of year that I see a Ruffed Grouse or Birch Partridge while driving along an old country dirt road and that is the sort of circumstance I was in when I spied this Ruffed Grouse crossing a dirt road in front of my car one day last week. Usually to my dismay as soon as the grouse is alerted to my car's presence it takes off, but not so on this occasion. this grouse just continued its walk to the roadside, then ambled off into the roadside vegetation as I got a couple of photos of this lovely bird.

Have a lovely day everyone!  Keep cool!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, they are cool birds. Congrats on your Ruffed Grouse photos and sighting. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!
