Thursday, October 12, 2017

A Late Eastern Bluebird

A Late Eastern Bluebird
We don't usually have Bluebirds , especially in October!  but there is a Bluebird hanging around our yard which gives us tantalizing glimpses of its beauty now and then.  Like, on Sunday, we got a fleeting glimpse of it on the clothesline and earlier last week it was perched on a feeder hook in Bird Alley in clear sight! right in front of me!  These are unusual sightings for me at any time of the year.
Yesterday I spied bird movement in our Choke Cherry tree , which still has a few lingering berries on it.  I tried to take some pictures of the activity in the tree and I got some not so great pictures, of a Robin and a Cedar Waxwing and also of the two Bluebirds shown postedbelow.  I love them!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, they are so pretty. I love the bluebirds. I miss having them in my yard, they are here in Maryland year round. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
