Monday, October 09, 2017

Two Almost all White Pigeons

I used to see a White Pigeon almost daily a couple or so years ago, But then I didn't see that pigeon anymore...until this morning that is.  I saw two almost all totally white pigeons feeding on the sidewalk with a few of their grey cousins and I managed to take a few pictures.  When they flew away  I think there were three of the white variety. I don't know what had happened to the white ones I used to see but the genes were strong and their uniqueness has been continued.  I am thankful for that on this Thanksgiving Monday here in Canada.


  1. Hello, the white pigeons are pretty. Great sighting. Happy Monday and enjoy your new week ahead.

  2. Hi Anna,

    I actually got around to doing some blog reading today. I don't do so with great regularity anymore so it's always nice to catch up with old friends. Don found a pure white feather, about 6 inches long, yesterday. It's the third one he has found so he has started a collection. We don't know what kind of bird dropped the feather.

    Did you know that we moved from California and are now living in SE Missouri? It's wonderful here and we are very happy with our decision to move.

    All my best,
