Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pegeons on a roof for Saturday critters

Pigeons on a roof!  Sure not an inspiring title you say.  But, look closely at the group below and you can see two almost all white pigeons.

Actually it might be more interesting to read about white doves!  for these pigeons are actually Rock Doves. About a couple of years ago I used to see an almost white Dove often, but then it seemed to have disappeared, but apparently the genes were strong and have survived and been passed on to these two almost white doves I saw today and who knows what combinations or patterns with white that I may see in the future?!. I shall try to keep this group in my sightings in future days.  For example also within this group today was a dark Rock Dove with a splash of white on its wing! fascinating, huh!?
What an interesting sighting this was this morning.The Gray Jay I had waiting fore todays post will just have to take a back seat to these beautiful white pigeons.
I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at viewingnaturewitheileen.,
Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!


  1. Hello, the white pigeons are beautiful. Wonderful sighting. I also love your deer header. I will look forward to the Gray Jay! Thank you for linking up your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. I agree! What an awesome sighting! I also loved your header photo.

  3. Wow, nice pictures. Puffed up like that brings out their dove looks.
