Friday, October 27, 2017

Rain Clouds in the Sunrise for Skywatch Friday

We have had a very dry summer and our riverbed has been showing more riverbed than water and it was with welcome relief that  a rainfall warning was forecast in our weather forecasts.  On the morning of the predicted rain the sky told us of  a change and that was of the approaching rainfall.  A red sky in the morning gave us a warning and the soft looking dark rainclouds gave us hope of the possibility of a rise in our water levels in the river.
And just to illustrate the change in our river yesterday morning.
above, the river before the rain and shown  below,  the river after the rain!
I am linking today to Skywatch Friday which can be found at:
http:// skyley

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pre-rain vs. post-rain difference! Pretty sky shot, too.
