Saturday, June 30, 2018

Young Fawn for Saturday Critters

Its that time of year to keep a lookout for young babies of nature.  I have been hoping to see a young fawn and this morning I saw one.  I was driving down a country road and I spied an adult deer and a fawn wth it.
.  It appeared as if they were planning to cross the road so I slowed my car as I eased forward hoping not to scare them off and I pulled over to the roadside. I could see the young fawn beside its mother in the roadside grasses. Then the mother started across the road with the fawn close behind her.
then as most young are often curious, the fawn stopped midway across the highway and looked at my car. Perhaps
I should have attempted to frighten it so it could start to learn that crossing highways can be hazardous, but I just took its picture instead.
I am linking today to viewing Nature with Eileen which can be found at

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Red fox with photo editing

 above is hown the photo edited version of the picture of the Red Fox shown below!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Raccoon forSaturdayCritters

I didn't have any pictures to post this morning until movement outside my window caught my eye!  It was a hungry Raccoon trying yo get food from one of our hummingbird feeders.  Aha! so that is who has been emptying it every night when I do not bring it in.  When it saw that I had seen it, it dropped quickly to the ground and quickly squeezed its way out through our garden gate and then hustled itself across the highway. Bye, bye fellow.. get lost! be gone! we don't want you here, but as I was downloading my pictures I could see from a upstairs window that it has returned again to our yard!

The Raccoon on the ground in Bird Alley

The Raccoon squeezed through the gate to leave

The Raccoon at the end of our driveway before crossing the road
 I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday critters which can be found at
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Eatern bluebirds for saturday Critters

It is always a lovely surprise to discover bluebirds around our yard.  we don't see them often but this week a couple of bluebirds were showing much interest in our unoccupied Tree Swallow house. they would perch on the top of the house and sometimes go into the house itself. although we have not see these two bluebirds for the last couple of days.  However we think Bluebirds nest nearby \as last fall we saw Bluebirds around our choke cherry trees when the berries were very ripe.
                   seen above is a male Bluebird on top of our tree swallow house

                                              Bluebird shown above in the branches of our Choke Cherry Tree..

I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Sunning Painted Turtles

It is my delight these recent sunny days is to find Painted Turtles sunning themselves , often on islands.of Earth or mounds of grass.  their shiny domes really standout  with the sun reflecting from them 
seen above are six painted turtles on grassy mounds.  Look very carefully to the lower left of the picture and you will be able to detect three turtles there.

This picture above shows four Painted turtles.  I was so very pleased to see a small turtle included in the group.  They come in all sized.!

This Painted turtle chose a different sort of location. It had chosen to climb up midway on a brush pile.

.For others an island of earth is the preferred choice.  aTt first I only saw the turtle on the island but when editing this I saw the second turtle on the left... so move over and make room for two!.
This one coming out of the water has yet  to chose and settle into sunny location, but no matter where, I know its purpose will be to lie soaking up the heat of the sun.  Its another sunny day so I think I will go out with my camera and find some more turtles sunning themselves.  I know they will be out there!