Saturday, June 16, 2018

Eatern bluebirds for saturday Critters

It is always a lovely surprise to discover bluebirds around our yard.  we don't see them often but this week a couple of bluebirds were showing much interest in our unoccupied Tree Swallow house. they would perch on the top of the house and sometimes go into the house itself. although we have not see these two bluebirds for the last couple of days.  However we think Bluebirds nest nearby \as last fall we saw Bluebirds around our choke cherry trees when the berries were very ripe.
                   seen above is a male Bluebird on top of our tree swallow house

                                              Bluebird shown above in the branches of our Choke Cherry Tree..

I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at


  1. Hello, it is a treat to see these beautiful birds. You are lucky if they are nesting in your yard. Great shots. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend.

  2. Berries! There's none nearby to attract blue birds here.
    Neat photos

  3. Isn't he just stunning! It's nice to have them so close.

  4. What a treat to have Bluebirds around. In the 20 years we've lived at this house, we've only had them show up in our yard one year. Fortunately, there is a park nearby where we sometimes see them. One of my favorite birds. :)
