Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Raccoon forSaturdayCritters

I didn't have any pictures to post this morning until movement outside my window caught my eye!  It was a hungry Raccoon trying yo get food from one of our hummingbird feeders.  Aha! so that is who has been emptying it every night when I do not bring it in.  When it saw that I had seen it, it dropped quickly to the ground and quickly squeezed its way out through our garden gate and then hustled itself across the highway. Bye, bye fellow.. get lost! be gone! we don't want you here, but as I was downloading my pictures I could see from a upstairs window that it has returned again to our yard!

The Raccoon on the ground in Bird Alley

The Raccoon squeezed through the gate to leave

The Raccoon at the end of our driveway before crossing the road
 I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday critters which can be found at
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Aw, too cute! We have a couple that visit from time to time. I love seeing them, but they can be destructive. I'm pretty sure it was a raccoon that shredded the screen to our sliding door. Nice post. :)

  2. Hello, they are cute critters. But, they can be a pain to have hanging around your feeders. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Raccoons are fun to watch and have such cute faces, but they can be a pain. Happy Saturday!

  4. I never knew they liked to raid hummingbird feeders till I had two on our deck! :-) Great shots of the sneaky fellow!
