Friday, November 27, 2020

Bohemian Waxwings for Saturday Critters

 We have had an adundant crop of American Bittersweet berries this fall. Recently we have seen a wandering flock of Waxwings making sporadic visits to the bittersweet berries. These berries have an outer coat of yellow. They swoop in to feed but then suddenly are gone again. As the outer yellow skin peels of the inner undercoat is seen as red!the berries and Waxwings create a beautiful sight! I am posting this morning to Eileen’s meme of Saturday Critters which can be found at

Have a wonderful, safe and healthy weekend everyone!


  1. Hello,

    Awesome sighting of the Bohemian Waxwings. It is great to have these berries that the Waxwings love to eat. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. what a cute little critter!

  3. Nice pics of the waxwings. I used to see them when I lived in Illinois but haven't seen them here in Kentucky.

  4. Beautiful photos and a big hello from a fellow NB-er! :)
