Saturday, December 05, 2020

Male and female cardinal for Saturday Critters

 I am always very delighted to see a Cardinal in Bird Alley. Its colour is so bight and outstanding! Its like seeing it for the first time!  As a child I had never seen a cardinal and so when one appears at our feeders, its like OMG!  Look at that bird!

The femal Cardinal has the sameness of beak colour but her feathers are more subdued looking being of a fawn or brownish shade.
I am linking today to Eileen's  Saturday Critters meme which can be found at:

Have a healthy, safe  and wonderful weekend everyone!


  1. Hello,

    Pretty captures of both the male and female Cardinals.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. You got great pictures! Cardinals are so skittish, it isn't easy to get a nice picture.

  3. Great photos, he looks so curious!

  4. Cardinals are always a delightful color in the landscape. Lovely photos.
