The Baby Bird Factor
I have mentioned before the difficulty I encounter sometimes with trying to identify young warblers at this time of year. Sometimes the season's fledglings appear very similar in looks and features to the female of the species and I am not sure if it is an adult or first season bird I am looking at. However, at other times,
although the features appear very similar to that of an adult, there is a gist or a look about the bird that is a bit of a giveaway; such as of this one in the photo above wearing a rather innocent or perplexed expression on its face. And then, seen below in another pose, there was no doubt of its age when it looked directly at my camera with a 'feed me' reaction to my presence.

That fuzzy little puff ball is so cute, 'The Mad Bluebird' has always been a favorite of mine, but this one makes me smile just as sappily.
How cute! I suppose having extra "baby fat" doesn't make sense if you're trying to get yourself airborne, but this baby sure does look pudgy! Thanks for the smile.
Whatever young they may be they are stunning and your photos are excelent.
Beautiful photography and such a beautiful little bird.
Excellent captures. Great detail in the plumage. Good work!
Cheers, Klaus
This is a young Common Yellow-throat Warbler. Another give away that it was young was that all of a sudden several more flew in and perched in the same tree about three meters from me. They were actually too close for an overall group shot. Glad that this warbler is enjoyed.
It is amazing how baby birds do look like babies. Their feathers are askew and they look confused and unsure. You caught those looks perfectly Ann.. -Michelle--
Those are wonderful shots! That last one with the mouth open is precious! It is so "pouty" looking and lost looking that it indeed has that "baby bird" look stamped all over it :-) It has a beautiful breast color.
That photo with the baby's little beak open is priceless! It reminds me of the birdhouse on my telephone pole when sometimes all I can see is open beaks.It's great!
I don't know what it is about babies, but they are just so adorable. I love all the shots, but the one with the open beak is great!
Awwww, what a cute little guy. I love the one with its mouth open! Its just the kind I'd want to hold in my palm and stroke the top of its little head. :-)
That final shot with the beak open is priceless!! I can almost hear the "Cheep, cheep..."
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