Saturday, December 26, 2020

White breasted Nuthatch for Saturday Critters.

 The day after a very wet, windy, rainy Christmas day and the bird feed in the bird feeders must be very soaked but that does not deter a group of chickadees from feeding there. Also present there was  a female Cardinal which does not appear very often but I did not get its picture!   and of course the Bluejays have also shown up.

However the prize sighting for me today was a White-breasted Nuthatch, which has been dropping by to feed quite often . but I have not been able to capture its picture until this morning that is!

I am posting this morning to 

Yesterday morning a White- breasted Nuthatch... and this morning a Red-breasted Nuthatch!  ta daa!

Saturday, December 05, 2020

Male and female cardinal for Saturday Critters

 I am always very delighted to see a Cardinal in Bird Alley. Its colour is so bight and outstanding! Its like seeing it for the first time!  As a child I had never seen a cardinal and so when one appears at our feeders, its like OMG!  Look at that bird!

The femal Cardinal has the sameness of beak colour but her feathers are more subdued looking being of a fawn or brownish shade.
I am linking today to Eileen's  Saturday Critters meme which can be found at:

Have a healthy, safe  and wonderful weekend everyone!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Bohemian Waxwings for Saturday Critters

 We have had an adundant crop of American Bittersweet berries this fall. Recently we have seen a wandering flock of Waxwings making sporadic visits to the bittersweet berries. These berries have an outer coat of yellow. They swoop in to feed but then suddenly are gone again. As the outer yellow skin peels of the inner undercoat is seen as red!the berries and Waxwings create a beautiful sight! I am posting this morning to Eileen’s meme of Saturday Critters which can be found at

Have a wonderful, safe and healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

A Handsome Common Grackle for Saturday Critters

 We had few  Common Grackles visit Bird Alley this spring and so I was especially pleased to welcome one at our feeders this November. It only appeared for the one day but on that day I took advantage of the sun shining on its beautiful iridescent feathers when I took the photos. 


I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday critters which can be found at viewingnaturewitheileen.blogspot,ca                   

Have a wonderful safe and healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, November 07, 2020

Evening Grosbeaks foe Saturday Critters

 This morning and prviously one day this week we were invaded by a small horde of Evening Grosbeaks.  The big lure was amall black oiled sunflower seeds! shown below are ten Grosbeaks on the ground. There were often many at a feeder at the same time!

The males are the ones with the bright yellow colouring!
The female do not exhibit the bright yellow on their body but rather they exhibit a soft, light gray in their coloring as shown directly below!.
I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a safe and healthy weekend everyone!
Add caption

Friday, October 30, 2020

A Female wood Duck for Saturday Critters

 I don't know how long they stay around but I found this female wood duck earlier this week in oue local lagoon.  Perhaps it is the last glimpse I will get of thes species until

il March 2021! I have always been very attracted to this female Duck because of her distinctive white eye!  I think it is quite beautiful!!! I am linking today to Eileen's Meme, Saturday Critters.  which can be found at

Have a safe and healthy Halloween weekend!

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Feeding Robin for Saturday Critters

 Its that time of year again when the Robins flock to our yard to deed on the abundant berries of our flowering crab apple trees,  American Bittersweet berries  and the many. many rose hips!

This morning this early feeder was seen in  our flowering crab apple tree.  Some of the little crab apples

can also be seen. I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Having a wonderful , safe and healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Yellow Rumped Warbler for Saturday Critters

 We don't often see warblers in our feeder area , so it was a  very pleasant surprise to see this little Yellow Rumped visitor flitting about our trees a few days ago. At first I was confused about its id, but upon downloading the pictures I saw an unmistakable yellow showing under its folded wings on its lower back!

  Ah ha! it has a yellow rump!

A double check in a bird field guide and I was confident in identifying this sweet bird as a Yellow -rumped Warbler!

I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters, which can be found at
Enjoy your weekend everyone

Saturday, September 26, 2020

A White Pigeon for Saturday Critters

 I often see  a pigeon that looks all white , however there is often a shade of back or darkness somewhere on the bird's body BUT this week I took a picture of a pigeon that appears to be all white. I cannot find a shade of black or otherwise on it.  It is a thing of beauty o being all white!

 I am posting this morning to Eileen's meme of Saturday Critters which can be found
Have a wonderful safe and healthy weekend everyone!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar for Saturday Critters.

On August 17th. we found two Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars! We collected them both and placed them in a plastic cage for our purpose of observation of them throughout their completion stages to reach the final stage of an becoming adult Monarch Butterflys! This morning they  have both achieved the pupa or chrysalis stage. I am assuming that
they shall both be adult Monarch butterflies by or around September the first!
These caterpillars have been great eaters and every morning I removed the remnants of chewed   and eaten leaves as the caterpillars grew rapidly. on August the 21 I posted this update of their development.
Monarch butterfly caterpillar update:
Our two caterpillars ,which we have been observing are now preparing to enter the last stage of stage of their being caterpillars Overnight they have attached their bodies to the cage with a glue like substance that they have secreted from their bodies. They are now both hanging in a ‘J’
shape. One caterpillar is attached to the top of the cage, The and the other caterpillar-has attached itself to
the side of the cage Probably by
tomorrow these caterpillars will have left their caterpillar stage and will be in their pupa (chrysalis) stage. To exit the caterpillar stage, the caterpillar will make its body move
very rapidly in a motion until it’s skin falls off. Underneath the skin is a soft green body. This soft green body when exposed to the air will harden and it becomes the hard green outer covering of the chrysalis. Within 10 to 14days a adult Monarch butterfly will emerge from the green shell of the chrysalis.

This morning when I checked on the caterpillars, they were no more. Overnight they had entered their green chrysalis stage! If all goes well they will next be adult Monarch butterflies.

I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and stay safe and healthy!

Saturday, August 08, 2020

An Eagle for Saturday Critters

I am posting this morning to eileen's Saturday Critters , which can be found at

Sunday, August 02, 2020

A White Pigeon for Saturday Critters

I often see a white Pigeon in my area. It is never all totally white , which I sometimes think it is, but when it turns or moves I often see that it has black makings also.
I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Saturday, July 25, 2020

An unusual coloured frog for Saturday Critters.

 We saw an unusual coloured frog yesterday morning at the Fredericton Botanic Gardens. "It has rare colouring -- it is missing the yellow pigment in its skin. It is a minty greenish/turquoise colour . Its expanding chin/neck is white instead of yellow.  Its like it has reverse xanthochroism.."
This last picture shows a regular looking frog,  seen at the same pond, displaying its yellow chin.

I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at

Another hot day is scheduled for today.  Have a warm, safe weekend folks. Stay healthy out there everyone!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Fawn Triplets for SaturdayCritters

i have been watching these three fawns all week, every morning that I could find them. Mama Whitetail must be so busy and so patient. All three trying to feed at the same time must be so demanding for this wonderful doe.


i am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at :

Saturday, July 11, 2020

White-tailed deer for Saturday Critters

Oh deer! What a wonderful sighting I have had this morning!
Thee fawns and only one adult female! Possibility all in one family?
I have only one photo showing all three fawns together in the picture! he fawns were beautiful! lively and frisky!
I will be watching for them again all next week hoping to get a good family grouping of all four!

I am linking this morning to Eileen's weekly meme Saturday Critters which can be found at:
Have a wo0nderful safe and wonderful weekend everyone! Ann