Approachable Nature
Often while driving down country roads looking for birds or some interesting nature sightings I see birds perched on overhead wires but when I approach the location carefully and slowly in my car they fly away. Not so this week. On two different occasions I have stopped my car beside and right under a bird on a wire, got out of my car and stood there to take the bird's picture without the bird even moving away. I had such luck yesterday afternoon while I took this picture below of a Cedar Waxwing.It was much easier getting its picture when it was standing still.
And on Monday of this week I had the same experience with a Black-throat ed Blue Warbler on an overhead wire.As I had been driving along a gravel dirt road I kept seeing White Admiral butterflies everywhere. So when passing a little dirt side road I saw two on the ground at its entrance. I stopped, got out of my car and approached them, they stayed where they were and didn't fly away. I like those kinds of nature sightings when I am out with my camera looking for something to take a picture of.
Above a White Admiral butterfly. I hope I can find something interesting out there today, I'll be looking. Its a nice sunny day right now. Have a great day everyone!
nice cedar waxwing. We seldom see them with their feathers ruffeled (literally)
This kind of photo opportunities are fantastic.It is times like this,when the birds cooperate,that make me try again and again.Lovely picture.
I wish my birds would cooperate like that more often :-) Great shots of both! I like that butterfly. I've never seen that one before here.
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