Thursday, August 18, 2011

White Admiral on Yellow Coneflowers

Finally a butterfly sighting! A White Admiral feeding on yellow Cone flowers in my yard.! As of yet my pink coneflowers have not served their purpose of my planting them, they have not attracted any butterflies yet this season that I have seen. They used to be the focus of many fritilaries. Where are they this summer? My husband, David drew my attention to this butterfly feeding yesterday. Thank you, David!
What a beautiful richness of colour these images of the butterfly and flower created!
I thought this was an interesting angle with the admiral settled on the cone in the center of the coneflower.
This White Admiral was not alone on the coneflowers. This green grasshopper seen below stayed stationay on the petals while I was taking these pictures. Its pretty grand and intricate isn't it?!

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