For today, a page from an uncompleted project. Its fun to play with pictures and I had started creating a counting book for my grandchildren also to be used as a guide to help them id the familiar birds often seen. doubleclick on the tree to count and id the birds. Ducks in tree? yes, Wood Ducks nest in trees.(one Osprey, two White-breasted Nuthatches, three purple Finch , four Wood Ducks, six Northern Cardinals , five great blue heron, seven Evening Grosbeaks, eight Blue Jays, as I had said incomplete
Another way of introducing children to nature was a set of ABC flashcards I made for them.
There are many ways we can teach children about nature. enjoy the teaching and the appreciation that results. Happy Green Thursday.
Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To contribute or to see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page