Its that time of year again, late fall and Bird Alley is welcoming its usual fall visitors. Yesterday I got out my bird list journal and started recording the different species visiting. I only recorded 8 species yesterday and my numbers are down. I usually have about 9 species on a daily average at this time of year. Juncos are missing and I didn't see our treasured Cardinal. And although I saw a Red-breasted Nuthatch it has been a long time since a White-breasted Nuthatch has appeared. Surprisingly yesterday we had a male Red-winged Blackbird visiting, and our first very welcome bird visitor was a Red-breasted Nuthatch. Other bird species visiting were Bluejays, Chickadees, a Downy Woodpecker, one female Goldfinch, one Mourning Dove and several Crows.

A sunflower seed seems to be the seed of choice in both pictures. We still have a few leaves remaining in Bird Alley and in the top picture a bokeh effect creates a blurred yellow background. I love this effect created with a low f-stop on an aperture setting.
I'm waiting for daylight and the arrival of the early birds in Bird Alley. I wonder what or who today will bring?
Happy Birding everyone. Have a great day!!