Saturday, December 15, 2018
Thursday, December 06, 2018
Female cardinal
we have a pair of Cardinals hanging around in Bird Alley , however they are both very elusive. we see the female more often than the male, but if she sees us looking out the windows at her she is gone like a fash. Last week we were very surprised to see two female Cardinals feeding here.
Posted by
me ann my camera
5:57 AM
Saturday, December 01, 2018
Pine Siskin for Saturday Critters
By just finding a little touch of yellow on those tiny finch cousins and I know, “Yes, It is a Pine Siskin.With the news that an expected influx of winter finches are expected in my area I am constantly on the lookout for some of the dear little one of this bird family. I am very hopeful that as winter truly sets in , I might have a few little redpoll visitors as I haven’tseen any of them for the last few years or so.
I am posting today on Eileen’s Saturday Critters, which can be found at
Have a wonderful first day of December everyone.
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:04 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Sparrows for Saturday Critters
We have had three species of sparrows feeding recently in Bird Alley. The white-throated Sparrow is a daily visitor and is often the first arrival of the day.
is the little northern Tree sparrow. There are two strong identifying features of the Tree Sparrow. First, look for the bicoloured bill which has a lower yellow bill, and secondly the tree sparrow has a central dark breast spot.
the third sparrow that I found in Bird Alley about a week nd a half ago was a Song Sparrow, but with this recent cold snap it hasn't been seen since.Hopefully this lingering sparrow is now headed for more southerly climes. As the Tree Sparrow, the Song Sparrow also has a center dark breast spot to identify it.
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:45 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Winter Finches( Grosbeaks) for Saturday Critters
I was very pleased to read this week that there is an expected influx of winter finches in my area and so on the day of my reading that information I went out looking for Grosbeaks and red berries. I went to my favourite pond area where I usually find ducks, but knew there were red berries there also and I found a Pine Grosbeak feeding on berries! What a wonderful surprise and find!!
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:14 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Piebald Deer
Earlier one day this week while driving over Ghost Hill I saw a regular sized adult brown deer and a much smaller piebald one cross the highway in front of my car.
Also a back view shows there is much white on its legs too.
Posted by
me ann my camera
6:03 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Feeding Robins

Posted by
me ann my camera
5:13 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2018
Spotted Sandpiper for Camera Critters
Hmmm, the post title might seem misleading and you are looking for a sandpiper with spots!
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:05 AM
Monday, September 17, 2018
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:31 AM
Saturday, September 15, 2018
A Stray Cat for Saturday Critters
I have named this handsome stray cat that visits in Bird Alley, “Butterfly”, and I’m sure you can understand my naming choice when you look at the pattern on its side.
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:35 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Anoither great Blue Heron for Saturday Critters.
Earlier this summer I suffered a dearth of Great Blue Heron sighting and lately I seem to be seeing them often! They are such a
Yesterday morning I saw this heron standing in a hunched position on a small island of land in a pond. It was a foggy morning and I assume that the Heron was waiting and hoping that its breakfast would soon pass by.
I am linking today toViewing Nature with Eileen which can be found at
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:37 AM
Saturday, September 01, 2018
A duck and a great blue heron for Saturday Critters
At this time of year I go out hoping to find ducks. I found two yesterday and so intent was I on getting their pictures that I failed to see the Great blue Heron standing behind it! Only as the duck
I shall go to see if I can find it again today!
I am linking this mourning with Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a wonderful day everyone on this first day of September. How I appreciate being a retired teacher on days such as this. Net week /I shall smile and wave asI see the schoolbuses passing by!
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:47 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Great Blue Heron
Great B
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:50 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2018
A Young Male Ruby throated Hummingbird for Saturday Critters
Earlier this week I was watching several hummingbirds feeding at our feeders. I knew a few of the birds must be newly hatched this year as thier numbers had increased. I decided ro take some pictures and I noticed a few of the humminbirds had small flecks of red
I decided to see what information I could find online about the full red throat of a male Ruby throated Hummingbirdhummingbird. I found an informative site at:
I discovered that an young male hummingbird does not get a full throat or gorget of red until their first winter. However near their first summer's end a young male may start to show one to several red feathers at its throat. Ah ha!! So that is what I had seen with the small flecks of red at their throats They were young male hummingbirds.. I love making small discoveries like this and I decided to share this information today on Eleen's Saturday Critters which can be found at viewingnaturewitheileen.blogspot,ca
A Happy weekend and happy natureviewing to everyone folks!
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:05 AM
Monday, August 06, 2018
Just a visual recap of our new Monarch that emerged from its chrysalis yesterday. We had found he caterpillar on July 24th, and we brought it home and put it in a small plastic cage. On July 27th the caterpillar entered into its chrysalis stage. , On August 5th the adult Monarch left the chrysalis and lay with open wings at the bottom of the cage, as its wings dried and stiffened we set the butterfly free by placing it on a leaf of a milkweed plant, after being there for a few moments it flew away
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:09 AM
Sunday, August 05, 2018
Update on caterpillar metamorphosis
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:48 AM
Friday, August 03, 2018
Red foxes for Saturday Critters
I often find foxes at the lagoon area of my community. One morning this week I had found two!
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:28 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2018
Another Monarch Butterfly on the way!
On Monday, July 30th I found another Monarch Butterfly caterpillar. It was much bigger than the previous one that I had had, which is now in its chrysalis stage. This new caterpillar was quite thick ( fat) and long! In the picture below of this caterpillar in the cage it reminds me of a little tiger!
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:11 AM
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
A Wild Turkey Poult
In the fall of 2017 a group of five Wild Turkeys were seen around my community, And then they were seen again in the spring, so apparently they overwintered well here. But I am several other interested birders wondered did they mate and have young turkeys or poults?"
Posted by
me ann my camera
4:49 PM
Monday, July 30, 2018
A Red Fox visiting our yard!
I had just arrived back home from my morning drive looking for birds or wildlife to photograph when upon getting out of my car I spied this RedFox in our back yard. As it saw me it ran across the highway and disappeared. I had shouted to my husband,David to come and when he came I explained that I had just seen a Fox!. And suddenly David said, "Here it comes again!" and I turned and saw the fox at the beginning of our
driveway, but when it saw us it ran away again across the highway
We knew a fox was around as David had seen one in the adjacent meadow a few weeks ago, but we hadn't seen it since, until this morning! We had relaxed a bit and had started letting Shakey out a bit in the past few days! "But no more Shakey! Consider yourself grounded for the next few weeks!!!"
"Probably for the rest of the summer!"
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:55 AM
Friday, July 27, 2018
A most amazing caterpillar! For Saturday Critters
On July the 24th, 2018 my husband found this monarch butterfly caterpillar on the leaf of a milkweed plant at Three Tree Creek. We had a small plastic cage with us

Posted by
me ann my camera
4:44 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Canada geesefamily for Saturday Critters
I was very disappointed this spring, summer as I had not seen any baby geese or ducks. I was especially anticipating seeing those sweet, little, yellow fluffy Canada Geese babies... but I didn't see any. However today I was fortunate to chance upon a Canada Goose Family as the last two members were crossing the road as my car approached and by then they had all slipped into the water again. This year's young are quite grown by now... into what I call their teenage stage.
Posted by
me ann my camera
12:15 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2018
young raccoon
Sometimes when I see something unusual and fascinating I must learn to take a picture first, no matter how far or distant it is, no matter of it turning out to be not such a great picture. Yesterday when I saw what appeared to be a ball of fur lying in the middle of the highway, I was curious!. That is when I should have tried for a picture! I slowly eased my car up until I was beside it. The noise of my window going down was a turning point and a small, curious head appeared from the middle of the ball of fur!! What a delightful surprise that was!
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:26 AM