Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Red Leaves for Ruby Tuesday
I would like to write, "There is a hint of fall in the air but that wouldn't be true with our present high daily temperatures of 32, 33 degrees with 34 forecast for tomorrow. And who knows what the weekend will hold for us with Hurricane Earl headed up the Atlantic seaboard towards us. Hopefully cooler weather and much needed rain will result from all of the predicted possible weather forecast. But the red leaves, I spied them this morning whiledsriving by the local school ,whose parking lot was filled with cars belonging to I assume of teacher's preparing for the looming near opening of school. How well I remember those days!.. The organization and preparation for those opening days and the welcoming and getting acquainted with a new class I always compared to getting a ship underway., setting the sails, piloting a course to follow, making sure all new hands were familiar with the purpose of our year's journey. Focusing in their minds, and mine as well, on the treasure that awaits us with the gaining of our goals. Completing a successful year of studies. It reminds me somewhat of the title of a reader that we used in grade 3 or 4. "all Sails Set" I think the book had a blue cover?, or maybe it was red? Does anyone out there remember? But I havedrifited astray from myred leavesy focus and , I have lost my Ruby Tuesday anchor that I have set. Ahh ha, the red leaves and a flock of Canada Geese that I spied this morning op use for Outdoor Wednesday tomorrow.... but red leaves.They are beautiful and their approachingpresence , being a reminder of fall does not bother me at all. Summer has been and still is TOO HOT! Our fall season is one of such beauty. I welcome it!
Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:30 AM
Monday, August 30, 2010
yellow daisy-like flowers for Mellow Yellow Monday
I don't know what these tall daisy-like flowers are called. Our neighbours gave them to us a few years ago. They are very vibrant in their yellow brilliance and beauty. Maybe you can identify them for us?
Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:26 AM
A belted kingfisher for Blue Monday
A sweep across the water makes this photo twice as beautiful with its reflected image
.Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at : http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/search/label/Blue%20Monday%20Instructionshttp://
. Have a great Monday, maybe even a blue on
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:29 AM
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Bird Alley for Scenic Sunday
I often refer to Bird Alley in my posts and yesterday I captured some of its beauty in this garden globe image. I had been hoping to catch the swarm of colourful male goldfinch that usually hang around the niger seed feeder. (see the shadow of the cylindrical feeder to the left of the picture. Ihave no fleeing goldfinch in my picture but I was pleasantly surprised at the lovely reflection I got of part of Bird Alley as seen above. The garden gate is an addition this year as part of our attempt at deer control. At he end of the alley is a pergola my husband built a few years ago. It is now covered, (roofed over with Virginia Creeper and an American Bittersweet vine, which has such wonderful colourful berries in the fall. Often I will see birds flitting about in this lush over growth pressed against my sunroom windows.Bird Alley is a lush green corridor which parallels the side of our house and is bordered on the right with a variety of trees. It is very colourful in the spring with blossoms from Lilac bushes, High Bush Cranberries,and Honeysuckle, both white and pink,Also an ornamental Flowering Crabappleand a wall of wild rose bushes. Also the seeds of a couple of Manitoba Maples attract birds as well. Just behind the row of trees and bushes is a very tall Silver Maple tree that is very spreading.
We have a line of bird feeders hanging in the branches of the bushes and trees which at the moment are attracting many sparrows (Song Sparrows and Chipping Sparrows) Chickadees, young Purple Finch and Goldfinch and a few Hairy and Downy Woodpeckers. Looking out my bay window looking over Bird Alley often offers much delightful viewing for me and my camera. Also our resident Chipmunks offer much amusement from watching their acrobatic antics in their feeding and play. Sometimes we have gray and red Squirrel visitors but we have not seen many recently.
Above is a view of bird Alley before the garden gate was added and there had been no growth of vines over the pergola as there is now. Also the small stature in the bird bath is no longer, It had been knocked over by deer and has been broken.
Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to:http://scenicsunday.blogspot.com/ or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:00 AM
Saturday, August 28, 2010
frame for photo hunter
The frame of this old barn is exposed during the process of its dismantling. This old structure intrigued me when I chaned upon it one day and I knew its image would fit into some catagory or theme some day. I believe "frame" is the appropiate theme today for showing it.
Above the entrance to this covered bridge creates a frame to view the road or highway leading to or away from the bridge entrance,
This week's theme for photo hunter is frame and it is open to your own interptation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click on the photo huntcr badge on the top sidebar on the right. Have a great Saturday
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:08 AM
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Welcome back to two creature strangers returned to Bird Alley fot Outdoor Wednesday
Its been quite a while since I have seen a Red-breasted Nuthatch at our feeders in Bird Alley, So a big welcome to this little feathered stranger that showed up today .
Wow! Was its tail ever red! There was no problem id'ing this red squirrel. This species I used to consider a nuisance , but this summer I had beenwondering where they had gone,But today this one was back. But I haven't seen any gray squirrels for a long time. I assume that they'll probably show up any day now. I think our hummingbirds may have lrft as I didn't see any today. Usually they are so visual and busy. Changes are coming about . Nature is beginning to prepare for the seasonal change which is just around the corner..
Outdoor Wednesday found at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all
Posted by
me ann my camera
6:21 PM
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Low River for Scenic Sunday
The results of a dry, hot summer can be seen in this low river bed. Sometimes a person can walk from one side to the other without getting their feet wet.
Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to:http://scenicsunday.blogspot.com/ or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post.
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:51 AM
Friday, August 20, 2010
Quispamsis Sunset for Skywatch Friday
A beautiful red sky endstthe day and our visit at Quispamsis.
Happy skywatch Friday to all. My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guyand Louise for hosting Sky Watch Friday
Posted by
me ann my camera
5:15 PM
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Birds gathering for outdoor Wednesday
Its a common sighting at this time of year. the gathering together of birds seen stretched out in a line on overhead wires.A cropping of a closeup revealed these birds as Starlingsboth mature and young ones. I really like the appearance of this fluffy breasted looking one. I was surprised to see the white dots of its winter coat displayed so early.
I don't know what species(maybe BarnSwallows???) these little birds were but they were very active with their comings and goings sand balancing acts they performed on their landings as shown belowAnd just a glimpse outside from my back porch reveals a mixture of pastels of the mature blossoms in my garden.
Outdoor Wednesday found at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:25 AM
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Cardinal Flower for Ruby Tuesday
I remembered this morning that a friend had told me two weeks ago that Cardinal flowers were in bloom growing wild along the rock ledges along the shore of our river. I hurried down there this morning taking my cane with me. The rocks were a bit damp, mossy and slippery in places. I managed to get s few pictures of this vibrant red wildflower. Isn't it beautiful!?
Got photos with red? want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:31 AM
Monday, August 16, 2010
A patch of blue for Blue Monday
A patch of blue on s femsle Vlsack duck's wing for Blue Monday meme.
Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at : http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/search/label/Blue%20Monday%20Instructionshttp://
. Have a great Monday, maybe even a blue one.
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:56 AM
porch light for mellow yellow Monday
The moon sets the time and the yellow is the porch light.
And one more yellow , this more of s nature theme. Golden Glo growing very tall in my garden and surprisingly so, it is still standing upright. Usually each year it becomes a tangled mess with a bit of blowing wind to knock it down. not so this year yet. It is an old favourite of mine. It reminds me of my grandmother, Mom, who always had some growing in her garden.
Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:59 AM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Little Brown Bunny
The best feature of this little brown bunnywass its ears. So clear and clean looking. This furry little one looks so healthy andclear eyedand friendly too. I had gotten out of my car to take its picture with my telephoto lens from a short distance. , I then warned it not to run under my car wheels as I drove away. This sighting was a delight as I have seen very few bunnies this summer.
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:40 AM
Friday, August 13, 2010
Weekend reflections of our garden gate and fence
Weekend Reflectionshttp://newtowndailyphoto.blogspot.com/:is a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras.
Posted by
me ann my camera
6:43 PM
Birding in my back yard.
While looking out my back windows yesterday evening I saw a Cedar Waxwings eating the ripened berries from our Mountain Ash tree. I went to get my camera and although I didn't get a picture of the waxwing. I sat on my back deck taking pictures of the bird activity in my backyard for the next half hour or so. It was a very busy location. sparrows, purple finch and a multitude of hummingbirds; all a delight to watch! And high in the evening sky, Nighthawks. Too high and fast to capture their pictures but a lovely sighting to see.This one above is rather beautiful if you click on the pic to enlarge it. The blossoms of the Queen of the Meadow lends their delicate colour to the setting that this young Purple Finch chose to pose in.

None of these bird sightings were rare or unusual but they were a delightful addition to the summer colour of my back yard. I have been so busy lately that I hadn't taken the time to just sit and enjoy the beauty of nature in my own back yard.
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:21 AM