Our first snow earlier last week was the prompt that signaled the Robins in our area that the berries ( Mountain Ash and Ornamenta
l Flowering Crab) and rosehips in our yard were ready for their annual feasting. We enjoyed watching these red breasted beauties forage among our trees and bushes for several days last week, including even yesterday. It is an annual delight at this time of year to us to be able to watch their "to and fro" feasting activities. I remember when living in Hawkshaw at this time of year we always hosted a large flock of Evening Grosbeaks that arrived each fall to feed on our Mountain Ash berries, as well as our ornamental Flowering Crab Apple Trees.
My book-award winning daughter Riel Nason's website link can be accessed here.
Information and details about the regional winner of the Commonwealth writers book prize for Canada and Europe; Riel Nason's award winning debut novel, "The Town That Drowned" can be found here. Just click on the cover picture. Enjoy!
Ruby Tuesday 2
a meme about red
ABC Wednesday Round22
a new letter each week
Nature Center Magazine: check it out!
This very interesting nature blog has several great features. It features a nature blog of the week and introduces it to other nature bloggers. Also it features Nature News. To check it out you can go to:
My ships at sea quilt
Skywatch Friday
BeautifulSkies from all over the world can be seen on Skywatch . Why not join in?
There are 63 covered bridges in the province of New Brunswick and I love finding them in those 'out of the way' places. I have photographed most all of them, with only about 4 or 5 yet to locate. I still have many photos yet to post on my New Brunswick Covered Bridges blog. If you would like to visit and see more pictures of Covered Bridges, just click on the picture above.