Two Starlings
Note: This item is from the archives. It was first posted in February, 2007. Yesterday, these two European Starlings were perched side by side on a branch in our feeder area, and they illustrate well the two different adult breeding stages. The Starling on the left is of an adult nonbreeding status, still displaying its winter, white-flecked plumage; while the one on the right displays characteristics of the adult breeding stage. Differences in the bill colour and plumage patterns can be easily noted. To the right, the adult breeding Starling's bill is yellow, while to the left, the adult nonbreeding Starling's bill has yet to change colour significantly. Also the nonbreeding Starling (left)still displays white dotting on its plumage overall while the white dots of the adult breeding Starling (right) have worn off and the adult breeding Starling now displays a glossy black plumage.
The composite photo to the right shows two Starlings taken at different times of the year; the photo of the Starling on the left was taken on Nov. 5, 2004, and the one on the right was taken February 13th, 2007. On p. 416, of his book, The Sibley Guide to Birds , David Sibley gives the adult nonbreeding period as lasting from Sept - Feb.