GullsFishing in rapids and falls for Watery Wednesday
Usually every May our river is a location of activity as Gaspereau moving up river fight the rapids and falls they encounter to return to their spawning grounds further upstream. Large groups of gulls usually gather here to feast on the jumping , quickly moving fish in the fast moving current.
The size of the fish can be seen in the pictures and they are usually swallowed with one gulp. I haven't seen much of this activity this year as the run of gaspereau and gulls didn't seem to be as active as they usually are..These pictures are from my photo archives.
he theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its nameor the badge on the side bar.
The gulls seen in the pictures are HERRING Gulls.
THe pictures are great.That water is turbulent,but the gulls don't seem to mind.
Spectacular pictures!
Great photos! Capturing photos of birds in flight is quite a challenge. Nice work!
Wow! These are great action shots. They look like they're really enjoying that fast moving water.
Also, check the link you left on Watery Wednesday. It didn't work for me.
sweetnsaxy, the link worked me when i joined onMr. Linky... sorry if it causes confusion. Ann
These are fantastic shots Ann.
s2Sweet n Saxy,
I fixed the link. Thanks for your mention of it. Ann
Great action shots Ann. Reminds me of the Steelhead trout run we photographed. Although they are too big for the Gulls to catch, it still is fun to watch it.
That's really cool to see them catch the fish! Great shots! The raging water looks so cold and violent.
Those are some very good shots. Helen
Amazing photos..of those gulls and especially the fish..a really difficult pix to capture!! I loved this post..good job. wow!
Terrific shots - I didn't know they could fish so capably in fast water like that! Gulls hang around the breakwall here when the waves are big, and catch fish stranded on the rock. It's not unusual to be walking the dog in the park down the road and find pieces of fish the gulls drop.
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