Saturday, October 28, 2017
Friday, October 27, 2017
Rain Clouds in the Sunrise for Skywatch Friday
We have had a very dry summer and our riverbed has been showing more riverbed than water and it was with welcome relief that a rainfall warning was forecast in our weather forecasts. On the morning of the predicted rain the sky told us of a change and that was of the approaching rainfall. A red sky in the morning gave us a warning and the soft looking dark rainclouds gave us hope of the possibility of a rise in our water levels in the river.

Posted by
me ann my camera
8:07 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Pegeons on a roof for Saturday critters
Pigeons on a roof! Sure not an inspiring title you say. But, look closely at the group below and you can see two almost all white pigeons.
Posted by
me ann my camera
11:27 AM
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Lingering Wood Ducks
Although ts late in the year I am still finding Wood Ducks, though not many. On Saturday last I found four ; 3 males and two females.
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:02 AM
Friday, October 13, 2017
Morning sunrise for Skywatch Friday
Last Monday I had taken an early drive to the river and I could see a slightly pinkish sky suggesting to me that the sunrise was soon to be expected. At first all I could see of any action was that of fog rising slowly from the river.
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:54 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2017
A Late Eastern Bluebird
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:28 AM
Monday, October 09, 2017
Two Almost all White Pigeons
I used to see a White Pigeon almost daily a couple or so years ago, But then I didn't see that pigeon anymore...until this morning that is. I saw two almost all totally white pigeons feeding on the sidewalk with a few of their grey cousins and I managed to take a few pictures. When they flew away I think there were three of the white variety. I don't know what had happened to the white ones I used to see but the genes were strong and their uniqueness has been continued. I am thankful for that on this Thanksgiving Monday here in Canada.
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:06 AM
Monday, October 02, 2017
Its Pumpkin month!
Welcome to October , Folks.. This is the month when our world abounds with colour.. most outstanding of all is orange and leading the parade are large orange pumpkins on display at the local supermarket. Here is Canada we have two seasonal celebrations where pumpkins are often front and center on a certain special day. Thanksgiving or Hallowe'en. A Thanksgiving dinner would be lacking without a traditional pumpkin pie being the highlight of the dinner... and of course what Hallowe'en celebration does not include that creative work of art? a Jack O' Lantern carved from a huge big pumpkin. So make your choice early friends and neighbour as there are hundreds of those beautiful orange jacks or potential pies on display right now for your creative choice and sampling. You can chose a suitable one which will yield a seasonal "yum, Yum" or a scary end of the month "EEk! Your choice, folks!
Posted by
me ann my camera
3:40 PM