Morning Walk Observations
I try to go for a walk each morning and always take my camera with me. The beautiful colours of fall are in themselves enticing and yesterday mornings display was glorious. Each day holds its own surprises and visual awards and yesterday was no different. I had thought I would initially see several warblers, as I usually do, at a beginning location along a group of trees fronting on a meadow. Well surprise number one, no warblers there; but surprise number two was seeing a small flock of Robins. Seeing the Robins reminded me that I hadn't seen these birds much at all during the past weeks, or even months.
As I neared the river I saw a large shape on a rock in the distance and recognized a Double-crested Cormorant standing on a rock in the river drying its wings. Its reflection in the water attests to its stillness and the beauty of the day that surrounded me. While still watching the Cormorant I kept noticing movements in the trees. So that's where the warblers were! I also caught a glimpse of a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. There seemed to be several Kinglets in the area, or else this one moved around a lot, for I saw two more sightings later as I walked along the trail.
While still observing the Cormorant I spied a neighbour cat out on its morning hunt observing me while stopping by a small pool of water. Further on, later during my walk I saw a small group of Cedar Waxwings feeding and also saw a Hairy and a Pileated Woodpecker; Song Sparrows, Mourning Doves and Yellow-
Rumped and Common Yellowthroat Warblers.Perhaps one of the most beautiful sightings of the day was an unexpected glimpse of a Milbert's Tortise shell Butterfly.
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