Portrait of a Herring Gull
nature photography ( mainly birds) found in New Brunswick, Canada
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:41 PM
Posted by
me ann my camera
6:50 AM
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:38 AM
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:54 AM
Lichens are fungus, and can be found on decaying wood, mossy logs, and in this case, as shown above, on an old tree stump. These very showy British Soldier lichens (Cladonia cristatella),
having taken their name from the red uniforms worn by British soliders during the American Revolut -ionary War, are by far my favourites.
They are very small and when finding them on the ground in patches of moss I have often gotten down on my hands and knees in order to take their pictures.
Lichens are also found on tree trunks and branches and come in a wide variety of shapes, textures, sizes and colours. Its really easy to develop a liking for lichens!
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:33 AM
I can remember my brothers and I lined up by the old fence on the top of the hill; watching and listening to the drama of the powerful ice floes floating by in the river below.
This time of year, when the end of a long, cold, snowy winter is in sight; the changes taking place in the river ice are always strong reminders that there is definitely a seasonal change in the air.
The River Break Up
Pelting rains and furious winds
spurned slothful winter
and woodland streams swelled their banks
with prideful freedom
while disintegrating river ice abandoned its frozen grasp
and stretched its icy fingers towards the shore
geometric ice shapes played
layering and shuffling games
while jockeying for positions
along the swollen river banks
as tranquil mainstream remained in its solidity
reflecting in the strengthening afternoon sun
hillside grasses and dry stalks overlooked the changing scene
while springtime memories stirred in their roots
and jubilant waves and rushing rapids
raced down the river and disappeared around the bend.
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:10 AM
I often find that when I am looking at a murder of crows, a charm of finches, or perhaps a gaggle of geese, or a host of sparrows, I often dismiss the many to focus on the one; or just a few. And this
was exactly the case a few days ago when I was trying to focus on a hawk in a nearby tree. A flock of Pigeons, which regularly roost on the ridgepole of a nearby barn, were in flight circling above the field to the right, while I was watching the hawk in a tree to the left. The hawk having flown off, without me getting any successful pictures, I turned to the right and aimed my camera at the sky and the circling flock of Pigeons for no other reason than to just take a few pictures of something.
After returning home and downloading the photos I found much beauty in the images of this flock of Pigeons in flight. A lesson learned; hesitate less, and take more pictures.
Posted by
me ann my camera
2:38 PM
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:52 AM