I didn't start out that early but this is what 9:30 AM looked like yesterday morning, lots of fog! And the fog continued along for most of my hour and a half drive to keep an appointment at 11:30. After my morning visit I had to put in some time before returning for a follow up appointment at 3:30 so I went in search of some water areas, hoping to find some ducks or geese.
I found this beautiful place and in the distance is what I think is an old, no longer used, railroad bridge. I had stopped when seeing some ducks in the water, but before I could get any pictures they had left. I almost left too, but then I heard a loud, constant honking, and finally found its source in the green shadowy area to the left
of the above picture. It was a lone Canada Goose, and it was difficult to see for the shimmering play of light upon the water gave it a bit of camouflage. If it hadn't been for its loud 'honking' I wouldn't have seen it at all.
Having noted my presence it continued swimming and emerged from the shadows allowing me to see it more clearly.
Returning home again, I encountered darkening skies and more fog during the last half hour of my journey, arriving home in darkness.