Skeins of Snowgeese
Collectivity they can be referred to as a blizzard, but I would much prefer the word blanket, for seen at a distance they appear like a blanket of snow lying in the field. Only the movement of a few flying above the stationary flock alert you to the deception of white when you first see them.
nroute on a recent road trip to Montreal, it was a pleasant diversion to see a 'blanket of snow' in the fields adjacent to the highway about mid-way during our long 823 km trip. This was a sighting I had been hoping for and as we stopped for a moment they arose from the field by large numbers, probably hundreds or so.
As they arose to the sky the skein of Snowgeese formed arcs and curves as they shifted about in changing patterns while crossing the highway and fields.
One other species that we saw quite frequently were white phase Rough-legged Hawks. These were beautiful birds and they were often perched on a branch or post overlooking the highway. I shall have to check very soon in an area nearby where they can be found during the late fall and winter months in New Brunswick.

Our return trip was accompained by dark and cloudy skies showering us frequently with rain and enveloping us in fog for the latter half of our eleven hour drive. Its good to be back home again. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be back to regular posting and responding to comments.

I LOVE your blanket of Snowgeese! Although I'll think of it as a white quilt :-) How wonderful to see that many geese in one spot and all of them in the! How amazing it all is! I love that last shot, beautiful you make those stormy skies look. What a wonderful trip you had!
I think I was thinking of the word blanket as a verb also, you know, like when the snow 'blankets' the fields; but hopefully not too soon. I don't know if the geese could 'quilt' a field, but wouldn't it be a beautiful one with a bit of orange thrown in here and there for their feet! We often make this trip in the fall and we had our snow tires put on before we left, just in case we encountered snow but the temperatures were lovely. Its become such a part of the trip now, watching for Snowgeese, and its great fun when we do see some.
What an awesome sight!So many Snows in one place.
I have yet to see one Snow Goose. How spectacular to see a blizzard or blanket of them.
More amazing shots. Yes, I like 'blanket' on the ground and 'blizzard' in the sky - and skeins, too, that's a good one. All great words. And the geese and the road signs still make me smile!
man...there are so many! i've never seen so many geese in one place. really cool. i really like the bottom picture.
I really like the picture with the road signs too and loved taking it!
The bottom picture was taken along the Trans-Canada highway in New Brunswick. After spending a week in Montreal and driving in busy city traffic, such open, empty highways were a really welcome sight!!
I had never seen a Snowgoose before I had seen them along the Saint Lawrence around the St. Jean Port Joli in Quebec,about 5 or 6 years ago. I think their numbers are spectacular! Since that time I have seen one or two in New Brunswick. They are big and I think beautiful and I they remind me of Mother Goose.
Oh my, this is so beautiful and the imagery of your words is so beautiful, too.
The photos of the geese are all wonderful, but that last one, of the winding road, just took my breath away.
What a great sight! We probably missed them as we took the sleeper train overnight along the river. Envious? Me?
That must have been the 'Ocean', the train from Montreal and Halifax. We have taken that before and it is a dark overnight trip for sure, you really see nothing of Quebec for either direction it is mostly all in darkness.
I can see why they would be called a blizzard. Wouln't want to be standing under the snow they make.
Amazing images of the geese. Must've been so cool to observe.
Brilliant, love the sound of geese especially when in great numbers, and the last pic is amazing.
Great observation shots but that last one is Art.
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