Northern Shrike
This is more of a tale of a bird sighting, rather than of a bird encounter adventure. At this time of year, as both the leaves and temperatures drop and we are anticipating the arrival of snow, it is exciting to see the recent arrivals of different birds moving into the area for the season. During the past week I have seen a Red-tailed Hawk, and yesterday I had posted photos of a Sharp-shinned or Cooper's Hawk in my own backyard.The sighting of this Northern Shrike (nov. 17), which I had photo- graphed on Monday is yet another bird predator that has returned to our area for the winter. I had seen it at a distance, high in a tree, then it moved to the top most branch giving me a better view for this distance photo.
As the season progress I am sure I shall have other opportunities to get closer photos of this species for they frequently visit our feeder area as winter progresses. Shown below is one such photo opportunity in January ('07) when I took this picture of a Northern Shrike at our feeder area.
I love that close-up shot at the end! What a lovely bird and the interesting bill. He doesn't look very big. Does he prey on other birds or on small rodents, or both?
Love the shrike shots. They are wonderful birds. I like the photo in your title picture.
I will be on the lookout for these birds this winter. I only saw one last year, late in the season and it was very high in a tree
Great photos!
Boy, talk about armed and dangerous, just look at the hook on that beak! I had one of these hang out for a couple of days around my feeding station in the foothills. I even saw him do the "Shrike pounce" but fortunately he didn't get a bird, but looked like a vole or mouse instead. Great in-flight shot!
That last picture is especially lovely.All birds are good looking in their own way,the Shrike is quite lovely.
Nice captures and what a great find! Thanks for sharing.
A pretty neat close-up of the Shrike. Another bird I have not seen. Thanks for sharing Ann.
That last shot is really something. Here's hoping you have many more seasonal sightings.
Stunning bird, the last shot is a real cracker
Great closeup on the hooked bill..
New Rambling Woods Site
Wow...beautiful capture of your Shrike! I did a piece on 'Butcher Birds' last month...but have never seen one in my yard. I did get to see one pluck a grasshopper from his larder and offer it to his girl. What sweet birds, huh? LOL Okay...gruesome, but cool!
That's a cool synchronicity, we both published Northern Shrikes in the last few days. Cool event.
I am waiting to get both the Northern Shrike and Rough-legged hawk in my area, Norhtern NY soon! Your post of these two are wonderful. I could only dream to get the Evening Grosbeaks, they do show up in this area but I've never had one in my yard and havent seen one since my childhood. Thanks for sharing these wonderful birds!
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