Eastern Coyote: for Camera Critters
January 24, 2007, was my lucky day for I saw a handsome Eastern Coyote! I had been driving along the main highway and decided to check
out a side road, which had open fields on both sides, thinking that I might possibly see some Snowbirds feeding there. Suddenly I saw movement to the left and, as I was braking and grabbing for my camera, a Coyote stopped abruptly, quickly turned direction, and headed for the woods bordering the field. After my first burst of pictures, I
rolled down my car window just as it had reached the woods edge. Upon reaching relative safety it stopped momen -tarily to take a good look at me while I was taking several good photographic looks at it! What a beautiful sight it made through my camera lens!
After watching my car for a few seconds it turned and loped off into the woods. Unlike a dog or a wolf, a Coyote runs with its tail pointed down and this was easily observed as it ran from view.
My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.