Fun In The Snow: for Camera Critters
Doesn't it look like these little Redpolls are having lots of fun in the snow?
My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.
The bird in the middle of the top photo looks like he is jumping on a trampoline! They definitely look like they're having fun.
I love the guy with his wings spread wide on the first pic!
I'd like to play in that snow too!
Great captures! The balancing act in the second pictures is quite many birds can perch on one stock of grass! Great!
It does look like fun! I think they like it.
That's a riot!! I;ll bet everyone is thinking of captions for this. I think you just invented LOLBirdz!
If I didn't know where you were from,I'd say these were taken just north of my place.Jake and I were out the other day and saw Redpolls in almost the same setting.LOL
Love your pictures,mine didn't turn out well.
Great photos! looks like allot of snow.
Have a wonderful week
Maybe they are playing tag. I'm still waiting for them at my house...
Yes it does :) Great pics.
Here from Camera Critters!
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