A Red Fox for Camera Critters
We have been waiting and watching to see a Red Fox since February. Finally we saw one yesterday while driving past a newly plowed field. The fox looked like it was in good condition after enduring another winter.
nature photography ( mainly birds) found in New Brunswick, Canada
We have been waiting and watching to see a Red Fox since February. Finally we saw one yesterday while driving past a newly plowed field. The fox looked like it was in good condition after enduring another winter.
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:31 AM
We have lots of golden yellow male goldfinch today feeding at our niger seed feeder today. Below are three hanging on the feeder.
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:40 AM
We had known the Osprey were back this week as we had seen them flying over the river and also over our yard, however this afternoon we saw two of these beautiful birds on a new nest they had built. A new platform had been built at this site as Ospreys nest here each year and we wondered if the returning Ospreys would accept an empty platform as an invitation to build a nest? They did , as you can see their nest on the platform when I took pictures of it this afternoon. My pictures were quite dark but I like in particular the pictures taken when one of the Ospreys were preparing to leave the nest. The wings of the departing bird created a nice frame in the background for the osprey remaining on the nest.
Posted by
me ann my camera
3:26 PM
I love to find turtles in the early spring. We have a pond area where I can often find a sunning Painted turtle resting on a rock, shoreline or extended branch leading into the water. I found one such sighting earlier this week and was delighted to identify it as a beautiful Painted Turtle!
Posted by
me ann my camera
9:15 AM
We have an observation deck in our community along the river and it offers lovely views. Last evening around about 6 p.m. I drove to the observation area to see if I might find something in the river below I looked and spied a duck along the shoreline. The distance did not allow me to id the bird without a vision aid. However I had my 300 mm lens on my Nikon D5500 camera . After downloading my photos upon returning home, I saw that the duck in the river , all alone, none other around it ,was a female Commoin Merganser. The red bill and lovely red head made this species easily identifiable.
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:45 AM
On Thursday of this week past we came upon a rather large flock of Canada Geese. It was rather difficult to get a large group shot as they were scattered around and about and our truck was parked on the shoulder of a busy highway with me using a partway rolleddown vehicle window as a tripod. However I love singling out the beauty of the individual Canada and crop group shots a lot so there are a couple of individual portraits shown here crop carved from the large group.
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:07 AM
I have only seen one waxwing all winter but on Wednesday of this week we found a small flock. We had gone into a Macdonalds for a coffee in Nashwaaksis and when we came out we saw a whole bunch of grey looking birds adjacent to where we had parked our truck where they were feeding on the ground. As we approached them my husband asked "What kind of birds do you think they are"? And I responded, "It looks like a bunch of Mourning Doves. His response, "You had better look again".. I did and to my surprise I recognized" Bohemian Waxwings!" It doesn't get much better than this!
Posted by
me ann my camera
7:06 AM
This post is for my grandchildren Eli and Tess, who love Owls!
I can count the times on one hand when I have seen an owl. But yesterday, "Oh Happy Day" we were driving along a woods road and just at the wood's edge sitting on a lower branch of a Birch tree was an Owl! First I thought I had seen a hawk and I asked my husband to stop and back up our truck. I took a few pictures from the truck window and then we got out and walked closer to the location. When we were closer we suspected we were looking at an Owl! Wow!! How exciting a find this was!
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:05 AM
This morning I found this pair of Mallards individually grooming themselves, side by side in the water. So beautiful I thought.
Posted by
me ann my camera
4:05 PM
I usually don't see these little sparrows in my yard until the first week of May or so but yesterday my husband drew my attention to a little sparrow in Bird Alley with white slashes on each side of its head, so I got my camera to see if we could figure out what it was.
Posted by
me ann my camera
8:30 AM
The three white-bodied, fish-eating ducks I am posting about today are the earliest duck species that I find in my area. My most favourite is the striking looking Common Goldeneye and the male of this species sports a white polka dot on its face just below its naming characteristic
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:48 AM
I have seen a few Canada Geese and at first I was finding them just one or two at a time, but I knew there must be a flock around somewhere and last week I spied a small flock in an open field.
Posted by
me ann my camera
10:38 AM