Wood Duck with Ducklings
If the female Wood Duck hadn't started to move I perhaps wouldn't have noticed
her and her brood. I had stopped my truck beside the water's edge and looking down noticed movement among the Pickerel Weed growing
there. Reaching for my camera I could see a family of Wood Ducks hurriedly moving further away from the shore. I counted ten ducklings in all.
Can you still find the Wood Duck and her ducklings in the picture above? If not you might to 'click' on it to get a closer look.
What a pretty family and they do hide very well in those weeds :-)
Awesome sighting as always.
Wood ducks are my favorite, and it's suprising to see so many ducklings that have survived. Must be the Snappers don't live in their pond.
They sure do blend in well.
Ann, I'm back. You were right. It is a Confused Haploa Moth. Thanks so much for your help!
Isn't that a beaut? These little ones are so cute! Good shots!
Cheers, Klaus
You have got the most amazing sharp eyes! What great shots you were able to get!
Those look like pretty young woodies. The 8 here are starting to get facial markings..so cute. Any one who can should put up a nesting box...
Seeing Wood Ducks is a real treat. I have seen them a very few times this year around home, but never with their young. Where are the male ducks? I see very few in the summer.
Awwwww! I can't get over what close formation they're in right behind mama.
What dear little ducklings. They look like little toys!
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