Yummy Nature treats for Green Thursday
Raspberry treats provide food for nature's creatures. Keep it Green.
This RED Fox above was a bit startled perhaps of my approaching presence. Its home is orovided by the green environment.Keep it GREEN
Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To to contribute orto see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page
Very good shots. Helen
Good shot! Those fox are pretty shy.
Wild raspberries are so sweet.I hope you tasted them.
What perfect gems those berries are, and just look at that fluffy fox tail! Great shots!
Today while getting firewood for the winter I dropped a tree and it smelled like huckleberries. I looked around and picked about 30 and ate them. What a treat on a hot afternoon.
Love that fox shot! Green is good!
Those berries take me back to my summers at the cabin picking berries with my grandmother..Thank you for participating in Think Green Thursday Ann..I added your link to the list...Michelle
I had to say I love that fox running on the tracks. Not a site you see everyday. My daughter and I took pictures of some baby foxes last year. They were so cute. I think they were as curious as we were.
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